Posts tagged ‘ts-e’
The eternal dream
It comes slowly, silent and calm. Expected but still unexpected. You can never be prepared for it. It makes everything kind of different – new and strange, but the longing is tremendous. Death. I feel extremely grateful for all the experiences and knowledge shared throughout the years, my whole life. You have been my inspiration... (more)
In love with the cold
I just feel so alive when the cold front creeps over the country. The beauty of the crystals, the ice, the snow, the light – everything feels magical. I feel privileged to live in a country with four seasons and I really enjoy it when we have them all during the year – it is... (more)
Let there be colours
What an autumn – what else can you say?! Thousands and again thousands of migrating geese flying over our house every day for over a month – you really get this deep feeling of seasons changing when you see the birds flying over day after day. During the years I have photographed a lot of... (more)
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