Posts tagged ‘borgå’

22 Aug 2018

Shitty pictures – take care of our environment

                  Fireweed in evening glory. Lappträsk, Finland. July 2018.     The header says it all – shit comes around…and climate change is making it more severe and more visible to us all. No swimming anymore in mid-july in the gulf of Finland due to cyanobacteria bloom.... (more)

06 Dec 2016

99 – Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy birthday Finland! Today, 6.12.2016 we celebrate for the 100th time our nations birthday to be precise, as the very first one also is counted in. 99 full years of independence – a great country to be born in – I would say we are VERY PRIVILIDGED to live in a country as Finland. Clean... (more)

30 Jun 2014

Summer sea- and cityscapes

After a poor winter comes a poor summer – isn’t it so? Well – I really cannot complain, once we have green trees, flowers on the meadows and even the sun every now and then appears in the sky. I prefer a poor summer before a poor winter, since snow is an obsession for me…... (more)