‘Nature art’ Category
Yin & Yang of autumn
Magic has been in the air for some months – spectacular colors and beautiful sunshine and the crisp and bright air. All ingredients to enjoy a beautiful autumn.
Shitty pictures – take care of our environment
Fireweed in evening glory. Lappträsk, Finland. July 2018. The header says it all – shit comes around…and climate change is making it more severe and more visible to us all. No swimming anymore in mid-july in the gulf of Finland due to cyanobacteria bloom.... (more)
Patterns of archipelago
Varying moods of midsummer in Emsalö, Porvoo archipelago, Finland.
Winter – my love – you pass too fast for me…But I indeed have enjoyed your stay in every breath. The glittering snow on the fields – the packed snow in the trees – the... (more)
February landscapes in slightly climate changed Finland
Many of us feels that we still have a quite normal winter in Finland these days, but experience and looking at the statistics tell something different. Yes – we have had some snow…Yes – we have had some cold periods…Still it is not the same as it used to be. Somebody can think that I... (more)
99 – Happy Birthday Finland!
Happy birthday Finland! Today, 6.12.2016 we celebrate for the 100th time our nations birthday to be precise, as the very first one also is counted in. 99 full years of independence – a great country to be born in – I would say we are VERY PRIVILIDGED to live in a country as Finland. Clean... (more)
The eternal dream
It comes slowly, silent and calm. Expected but still unexpected. You can never be prepared for it. It makes everything kind of different – new and strange, but the longing is tremendous. Death. I feel extremely grateful for all the experiences and knowledge shared throughout the years, my whole life. You have been my inspiration... (more)
Light, sounds, smells – welcome spring
It is like magic to see the awakening in nature – every year everything is reborn – fresh and new.
In love with the cold
I just feel so alive when the cold front creeps over the country. The beauty of the crystals, the ice, the snow, the light – everything feels magical. I feel privileged to live in a country with four seasons and I really enjoy it when we have them all during the year – it is... (more)
Waiting…waiting for something to happen…in nature…
Some reflections over the last months…nothing special really…just waiting for some real change towards light and snow at the moment.
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