If summer does not come to you…you have to go to the summer…

Water and foam in it passing by a long exposure, making patterns. Onnenvirta, Hoilola, Joensuu, Finland. June 2015.

Koitajoki river at Vekarus rapids in Northern Carelian region in Joensuu, Finland. June 2015. Lee Big Stopper used for long exposure. Panorama stitched of 3 images.

Panoramic view over the paht to the ‘Kalmisto’ (orthodox burial ground) in Kokonniemi in Ilomantsi. June 2015.

Long day exposure made with Lee Big Stopper, at Vekaruskoski, Koitajoki, Joensuu, Finland, June 2015.

Long day exposure made with Lee Big Stopper, at Vekaruskoski, Koitajoki, Joensuu, Finland, June 2015.

Midsummer bonfire at Bodö North harbour, Porvoo archipelago, Finland, june 2015. TS-E Panorama composed of 3 images.

Misty midsummer night panorama taken with TS-E -technique. Bodö, Porvoo archipelago, Finland, June 2015.

Tilted and shifted sunny midsummerpanorama taken at Bodö in Porvoo archipelago, Finland, June 2015. TS-E Panorama.
After a miserable winter comes a ….guess what…miserable summer of course! I am not usually the first one to complain about the weather, but something is going on there somewhere…the system is a bit out of balance in my opinion.
Well – enough of it…back to the image content…It has been a while since my last update, which does not mean I have not been shooting any new material. The thing is I do not have the energy to sit in front of the computer to convert all images from my archive and publish them. To take less images is a natural choice from my side – I think less is more (well this posting for sure has a lot of images, so that is the first break of my own rule…) and have never been good at looking a a lot of image data in one portion. I sort of get full of it quite early.
Travel paths have taken me to the Northern Carelian region in Finland, the archipelago of Porvoo and then to the lovely Marche region in Italy. Above you can see some picks from those trips. To me there is something magical about the midsummer night and the bonfire in the archipelago. Please enjoy!
From here it is good to start inhaling the autumn air and all the lovely sceneries that will appear with many colours in our landscapes!
— Posted on 04.08.2015 at 23:42
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