Run mooses, run

7 mooses on the run in the morning snowfall. Somerniemi, Finland, January 2015.

7 mooses on the run in the morning snowfall. Somerniemi, Finland, January 2015.

I must be dreaming – Where am I? What time is it? Am I really awake? Is this really real or just my imagination projecting an image in my head?

I have been driving for 2 hours early in the morning, when I suddenly come to an open part on the right side, when something catches my attention…Elks – and there are plenty…No it is not a moose park whatsoever…it is the will true Finnish forest…somewhere in Somerniemi in southwestern Finland…And yes – I am awake…I have been able to park my car besides the road and grab the gear from the backseat…and there it is – the view I have been dreaming about since I was a little child, inspired by a painting hanging on my great idols – my grandfathers wall! But the difference is that in the painting there are only three elks running through an open part in the forest. I count to seven animals. Majestic. Some seconds and they are gone. But I got them. In a beautiful snowfall. I do not need to take any mor pictures this year. This is it.

Believe me when I tell you – there is something magical happening every end of january. ” Ice fox” and “Tiptoe lark” are both captured by me on digital film the 31st of january (2009 respectively 2011) , and this happened today the 27th of january 2015. Sometimes you just need to be out there with your gear ready and know what to do with it…

BW-version of three mooses running - more like the painting described in the text. Somerniemi, Finland,January, 2015.

BW-version of three mooses running – more like the painting described in the text. Somerniemi, Finland,January, 2015.

— Posted on 28.01.2015 at 00:02

Comments (2)

  1. leena asikainen Reply

    28.01.2015 at 08:57

    Hyvä Henrik! Olet kokenut ja hienosti onnistunut kuvaamaan aidon tilanteen. Ei tarvii olla mitään ihmeellistä kun juuri tuo aitous olemassa. Ja hirvi on ainakin minulle hyvin vaikuttava eläin, se vie mielen kauas meidän maamme ja ihmisen yhteyden historiaan. Niin ja Somerniemeltä on kotoisin äitini isoisä Riukulan talosta.

    1. admin Reply

      28.01.2015 at 09:05

      Kiitos Leena!
      Hirvessä on alkuvoimaa!
      Kuvan tekee itselleni eritysen erityiseksi se seikka, että esikuvani – isoisäni seinällä roikkuu maalaus jossa kolme hirveä juoksee lumisateessa aukon yli. Eilen pääsin todellakin toteuttamaan tuon maalauksen käytännössä…olen parikymmentä vuotta ihaillut maalausta…Joskus onni on myötä!

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