Archive for March, 2014

27 Mar 2014

The panning period

The lamount of light has increased significantly over the last weeks, and we have already seen some migrating birds around here. We had some “last new snow” a week ago, so I had to trap the panorama gear and head out to a natural forest near by for some winter shots – they are quite... (more)

12 Mar 2014

The everlasting new season

We welcome you spring – directly after a  six month long autumn…or something…we have to invent a totally new season I think! Well – if people do not have anything else to talk about, then the weather is a sure one to wake up a dull discussion… Some whoopers and mutes have already arrived, and... (more)

04 Mar 2014

To experience winter should not be luxury…

…unfortunately it is the cold truth this winter…You have to travel far north to see pure white snow… We just had to do it – go north – otherwise this winter could not be called a winter. The gray rainy light all over does not lift you up really… Here are some shots from Ruka... (more)